Click on photo to enlarge Contact Griffin Aerospace Models for ordering information
University of
Oklahoma Medi Flight N2070Z
Fort Worth
Police Department N911FW
Lockheed C-130H firefighter with MAFFS System Installed
Sikorsky S-64 Erickson Skycrane Firefighter
Click on Photo to Enlarge If you collect high quality aircraft models, this is the place to visit. If you would like to add a EMS, Fire, Police, Rescue model aircraft to your collection this is the place to purchase it from. I have seen Fred's product on Ebay and have been meaning to visit his store. I had the chance to set down with Fred Griffin, owner of Griffin Aerospace Models and former Air Force Pilot, and talk to him about these great models. When I entered his store, I knew I was in a very special place. This was an aviation buff's dream. Fred had just returned from a helicopter convention had had a number of helicopters on display. To my luck, the majority of these were EMS, Fire and Police related. The very first model that caught my eye was the Los Angeles County Fire Dept. Bell 412.
I was partially amazed by the size. I was ready to lay down my $150.00 right then! But wait there were more, lots more. I was like a kid at the toy store, I wanted everything. Here in the Dallas / Fort Worth area there are two air ambulances services, Careflite and Critical Air. He had models of both. I have been looking for a Careflite model for years. Unfortunely, this model had already been promised. Maybe next time Fred!
I asked Fred about his models and what they carry. His answer was pretty short "If it has been flown or currently is flying, we can build it", I'm impressed. Fred's factory is located in the Philippine Islands, not far from Clark Air Force Base. It employs 31 craftsmen, mostly family. It takes about 90 days to produce a model. Every model is hand crafted to the customer's specifications. It begins with dried mahogany then hand carved by craftsmen. Eventually, the model begins to take shape.
Putty is applied and the model is sanded. The model is then painted using DuPont automotive paint then clear coated. They use NO decals on these models. All the lettering, graphics, and painting is done by hand. NO DECALS here! Fred directed me to some military aircraft with the names of the pilots just below the canopy. All done by hand using a small hyperemic needle as the brush. The helicopter blades are made of sanded bamboo. O' back to the models.... Here are some photographs of the EMS, Fire, Police helicopters on display: Click on any photo to enlarge[photogallery/photo00010769/real.htm]
Click on photo to Click of photo to enlarge
Fred did not leave out the fixed wing fire buffs. He has on display a number of fire bombers. I also purchased a C119 "Flying Boxcar" fire bomber (better photos will be posted soon).
Folks, this is one of those models you have to see to believe. I find myself stopping to look at it every time I pass by and think "WOW" every time. I would encourage everyone that visits the Dallas / Fort Worth to drop by and take a look at what Griffin Aerospace Models has to offer. Additionally, keep up on his Ebay auctions. Finally, if you have ANYTHING you want produced please give him a call. I am 100% positive you will be happy with the results! Finally, most you you will not remember Sky King and the Flying Crown Ranch. Here are two models of the "Songbird". Provided by : |