Mount Horeb Rescue
40 from First Gear
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Wisconsin is the Mount Horeb Fire and EMS Department.
Herein lies an armada of Emergency apparatus and
equipment which is amongst the finest in the country. A
curious blend of technology and tradition is presented
in a tastefully and delightfully decorated engine house.
You need not be a fire buff to capture the delight that
is present.
Visitors will see ornately decorated fire apparatus, all
in a rich and unusual jet black, a marvelous toy fire
engine collection, antique memorabilia including
firefighting equipment, framed prints and original
paintings, an historic fire pole, and cobblestone
driveway, and traditional firehouse furniture and
None of these facilities or features can surpass the
hospitality afforded by the members. No visiting hours
are actually scheduled, but seldom is there a time when
members are not present to conduct tours.
The Mount Horeb Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency
Medical Service provides BLS-EMS, rescue, fire
prevention, fire suppression, haz mat, first responder
control, public fire and EMS education for the Mount
Horeb Area Fire District. Municipalities included in the
district are villages of Mount Horeb and Blue Mounds;
Townships of Blue Mounds; Cross Plains, Perry, Primrose,
Springdale, and Vermont; all in Dane County, Wisconsin.
In addition to providing basic life support emergency
medical service and full fire protection for the Mount
Horeb District, they also find time to organize and
provide four community-wide events, two of which double
as department fundraisers. The EMS Country Jamboree held
the first Saturday in May features two country stage
shows and a huge country dance at the firehouse. Folks
of all ages delight in the Fourth of July Parade,
featuring children in holiday costumes and on decorated
bicycles, wagons, scooters, etc., patriotic tunes from
the local community band, an inspiring flag raising,
fireworks, and refreshing treats for all.
The biggest event of the year is the Fire Muster on the
last Saturday in August. There are traditional Muster
events including water fights, a fire memorabilia flea
market, and fire education and activities for children
are scheduled throughout the day. A country and
nostalgic concert, and an oldies dance starts in the
afternoon until midnight. Food and beverages are served
continuously throughout the day.
The Lighting of the Tree is held at twilight the second
Saturday in December. A silent parade of the fire
apparatus delivers ever expected Santa Claus to the
Mount Horeb Fire Station. The Department's Christmas
tree is lighted while traditional carols are sung by
all, accompanied by the community band. Santa visits
with children, while volunteers prepare a huge community
potluck supper.
The spirit truly abounds in this small community fire
department. Stop in and feel it for yourself. Visit the
Fire Department Mount Horeb.
To order the Mount Horeb EMS unit contact Jenny Minter
at (608) 437-5571.